

More free information from AviationDB for aircraft registration number N8877N. Can include other aircraft with the same tail or N number, sales and ownership history, FAA and NTSB accident reports, SDRs, and more.

Aircraft has been Deregistered, exported to FRANCE
Last Action Date1969-05-21 Cancel Date1969-05-21
Airworthiness Date  Expiration Date 
Manufacturer_NamePIPER Model NamePA-28-140
Registrant CityLOCK HAVEN Registrant StatePA
Registrant Zip Code17745 CountryUNKNOWN
RegionEastern Registrant TypeCorporation
Fract Owner  Certificate Issue Date1969-03-28
StatusN-Number Assigned and Registered
Serial Number28-25740 Aircraft TypeFixed wing single engine
Mode S Code53035460 Year Mfr 
Aircraft CategoryLand Builder CertificationType Certificated
Number Engines1 Number Seats4
Aircraft WeightCLASS 1 Aircraft Cruising Speed107
Airworthiness ClassificationPrimary Approved Operation Codes 
Engine Manufacturer  
Engine Model Name  Engine Type 
Engine Horsepower/Thrust  Fuel Consumed 

There are 6 sdr(s) for this tail number

N8877M N8877N N8877P

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