

More free information from AviationDB for aircraft registration number N7419E. Can include other aircraft with the same tail or N number, sales and ownership history, FAA and NTSB accident reports, SDRs, and more.

Aircraft has been Deregistered 
Last Action Date2000-05-16 Cancel Date2000-07-14
Airworthiness Date  Expiration Date 
Manufacturer_NameBALLOON WORKS Model NameFIREFLY 7
Registrant NameKARALOW DENNIS T 
Registrant CityVIENNA Registrant StateVA
Registrant Zip Code22180 CountryUNITED STATES
RegionUnknown Registrant TypeIndividual
Fract Owner  Certificate Issue Date1986-10-23
StatusThe Triennial Aircraft Registration form was mailed and has not been returned by the Post Office
Serial NumberF7-341 Aircraft TypeBalloon
Mode S Code52374731 Year Mfr 
Aircraft CategoryLand Builder CertificationType Certificated
Number Engines0 Number Seats1
Aircraft WeightCLASS 1 Aircraft Cruising Speed63
Airworthiness ClassificationPrimary Approved Operation Codes 
Engine Manufacturer  
Engine Model Name  Engine Type 
Engine Horsepower/Thrust  Fuel Consumed 

N7419D N7419E N7419F

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