

More free information from AviationDB for aircraft registration number N629AZ. Can include other aircraft with the same tail or N number, sales and ownership history, FAA and NTSB accident reports, SDRs, and more.

Aircraft has been Deregistered, exported to MEXICO
Last Action Date2023-11-28 Cancel Date2023-12-04
Airworthiness Date  Expiration Date 
Manufacturer_NameLEARJET INC Model Name45
Registrant NameSALE REPORTED 
Registrant CityXXX Registrant StateOK
Registrant Zip Code73125 CountryUNITED STATES
RegionUnknown Registrant TypeIndividual
Fract Owner  Certificate Issue Date 
StatusSale reported
Serial Number577 Aircraft TypeFixed wing multi engine
Mode S Code52033704 Year Mfr2019
Aircraft CategoryLand Builder CertificationType Certificated
Number Engines2 Number Seats12
Aircraft WeightCLASS 3 Aircraft Cruising Speed0
Airworthiness ClassificationStandard Approved Operation Codes 
Engine ManufacturerHONEYWELL 
Engine Model NameTFE731-40BR1B Engine Type 
Engine Horsepower/Thrust3850 Fuel Consumed 

There are 3 history/sale(s) records for this tail number

N629AX N629AZ N629B

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